Disillusionment in the Armenian Lobby,Campaign to Systematically Kill Off Their Muslim Neighbors

The report by Thomas Hasler published in Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper of 10 February 2010 regarding the appeal hearing on 9 February in the Supreme Court of Zurich Canton/Switzerland of the case that Ethem Kayalı (Ataturkist Thought Association (ADD) Chairman of Switzerland), Hasan Kemahlı (the former ADD Chairman of Zurich) and Ali Mercan who were tried in the Winterthur Court on 16 September 2008 for the allegation of the denial of genocide following a meeting held in Wintherthur on 30 June 2007 w
In a report dated January 19th, Asbarez, publication organ of the Armenian Diaspora, printed a photo of the Azeri citizens, slaughtered by the Soviet military troops in Baku in 1990 with the caption “Armenians killed in their houses in Baku”.
While arguments prevail over the verdict of the Constitutional Court of Armenia on the protocols between Turkey and Armenia, the renowned Russian expert Alexander Sotnichenko stated that the maintenance of the negotiations is impossible before Turkey and Armenia recognize each other’s current borders.
While the victory of Republican candidate Scott Brown in the race for the Senate in Massachusetts has generated disillusionment for the Obama Government and the Democrats, it also imposed a huge blow on the activities of the Armenian lobby in the area. That Scott Brown got hold of the senate seat that the well-known Kennedys have traditionally possessed created a shock in the Armenian diaspora. While it is stated that Democrats’ candidate Martha Coakley is one of the most important spokespersons
Dr. Jeremy Salt, a professor in History Department of Bilkent University, proved that the photo, hanging on the Genocide Museum portraying “a Turkish official who is ridiculing starving Armenian children by showing them bread”, which is pointed out as a basis of Armenian claims, is a photomontage.

 LALAYAN, According to Yavuz, was One of the Architects of the Armenians' Campaign to Systematically Kill Off Their Muslim Neighbors

"I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women. men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."
A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936.(ADDENDUM, 05-06: Poor Lalaian, who has been libeled here and in so many other places, was a Soviet-Armenian historian! The words refer to an unnamed crazy killer Dashnak officer who was proud of his murderous misdeeds. Here is another translation of the above statement. Sorry, Comrade Lalaian

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